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Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dabal Training and Consultancy

Dr. Ibrahim Al Dabal Center for Consultation and Training offers a set of training programs that rely on smart and interactive training systems through various communication channels, with the aim of promoting continuous learning at various levels that meet the needs of individuals and institutions.

who are we

The Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dabal Center for Consultation and Training aims to enhance leadership, administrative and technical skills and capabilities in the public and private sectors, the sector of civil society institutions and various members of society.


Local and global leadership in preparing renewable programs and consultations to keep pace with the rapid changes

The message

A training and advisory center that provides various programs and consultations in the areas of self and institutional development with the aim of developing performance, raising levels of competitiveness and enhancing creative skills.

Some of our special services

Media services

The Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dabal Center for Consultation and Training includes a group of consultants, experts and specialists who cooperate with him to provide scientific and technical advice to enhance institutional excellence and develop it to serve the institution in achieving its goals.

IT Services

Dr. Ibrahim Al Dabal Center for Consultation and Training offers a set of training programs that rely on smart and interactive training systems through various communication channels, with the aim of promoting continuous learning at various levels that meet the needs of individuals and institutions.


Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dabal Center for Consultation and Training offers a set of specialized professional and technical training programs within scientific courses that depend on continuity and accumulation of knowledge, skills and careers that enhance the capabilities and capabilities of the individual and contribute to raising the level of institutional performance



Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dabal, Chairman of the Board - Founder

As a result of the tremendous developments and steady changes in the various fields of science and knowledge, which necessarily reflected on the nature of the various institutions in terms of their administrative structures, the skills that must be provided in their human resources, and the technical programs required by the nature of the changes, the Dr. Ibrahim Al Dabal Center for Consultation and Training was established to deal with these diverse changes and respond to their challenges. This is done by enhancing leadership, administrative and technical skills and capabilities in the public and private sectors, civil society institutions and various members of society.

Why Hire Us ?

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Exclusively Areas

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Group of Lawyers

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Cases Results

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Experts in Law

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